Book A Wedding = Free Gym Enrollment!

Couples often get overwhelmed in the months that lead up to the wedding.
Although they know that the togetherness of friends and family pretty much guarantees for a perfect day, many are burdened by a relentless quest for detail. The pressure can be tough.

When I get stressed out, I run, I go to the gym, lately I spin (seriously), I work out, etc. It helps me detox, it clears my mind and it gives me a jolt of energy right when I need it most.

Part of my job is to help couples feel good throughout the planning process, so I decided to talk to Cecile and Christophe Bellito. They own the best gym in town: Toadal Fitness. Cecile and Christophe are wonderful suckers for love and family, and consequently their gym is a stubborn alternative to the big impersonal health club. They both offered help:

Book your wedding photography with me in 2010 and enroll at the best gym in town for free!
Toadal Fitness is waiving its regular $99 enrollment fee. You’ll even get a welcome tour from Cecile herself. She’ll tell you how everything works.

And while we’re on the topic of family and de-stressing through activity… Below is a photo Laura took of me de-stressing with my beautiful daughter and the most stubborn, loving dog ever: Tsepo.

2 Responses to “Book A Wedding = Free Gym Enrollment!”

  1. When going into shore the male wave said to the female wave “we are going to crash” and the female wave said “NO, we are not going to crash because we are part of the Ocean.”

    That is just what you three are there in that picture…..PART OF THE OCEAN. i LOVE IT.

  2. Jopie, beautiful pic of you, Lotte and Tsepo. He must be proof that even Nylstroom produces some good things every now and then! Stunning photograph.

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